A farm we call home between Romance and Joy


Animals on the farm

Forevermost Animals



We have three amazing puppies, Newman, Bear and Dolly. They each have a wonderful story and they are all a part of our family. Visit their page to learn more about them.


We currently have 18 adult rabbits and two babies that we are breeding as meat rabbits. (Well, a couple of them are simply our pets.) We are raising primarily New Zealand’s but have a few other breeds as well. Our rabbits are very gentle and love to be held and cuddled. We expect to produce 50-75 kits per month so let us know if you’re looking for rabbits as pets, breeders or for their meat. We feed them high quality feed and they are well-loved while they are at our farm.


We have two beautiful ponds at the Farm, one of which currently has bass, bluegill and grass carp. We will also be stocking the pond with catfish so we should have plenty of fish to catch for a fish fry with our friends (and I’m sure plenty to share). We love for people to come fish at the pond. The fish may not be huge but they sure are fun to catch. It’s also a beautiful setting to lay around on the hammock, sit by the campfire and enjoy a game of horseshoes with our friends and family.


Bella is our resident cat and she rules the roost around here. She “found” us as a kitten when we first moved in and we quickly fell in love. We think she is a Balinese so she’s hypoallergenic and absolutely gorgeous. She loves to play with the dogs, especially Bear who is her best friend. You will often see them rolling around in the yard and playing chase. She’s also a great mouser which is pretty handy on a farm.


Our goats will be joining us at the Farm at the end of May. We are going to raise Myotonic (Fainting) Goats. The first two of the herd will be joining us in May of 2019. Their names are Weezer and Claree (yes, in honor of our Louisiana roots and the Julia Roberts movie, Steel Magnolias). The myotonic goat, otherwise known as the fainting goat, temporarily seizes when it feels panic. If startled by sudden movements or loud noises, they will attempt to escape from the disturbance, generally followed by a startle reaction. This “fainting” is caused by a hereditary genetic disorder called myotonia congenita. This doesn’t hurt the goat and, in fact, tenderizes their meat throughout their lives, making them ideal for eating. However, this will not be the case with our girls. They will live out their lives at the Farm as our pets. Our mission is to create joy and who doesn’t smile at the sight of a goat fainting?


We love our hummers. Every Summer, as part of their migration, they make a stop for a few months at the Farm. We put out multiple feeders and one of our favorite pastimes is sitting on the porch and watching the hummers eat and play.


Visiting our chicken coop is the highlight of our day. Our first flock was born on 11/12/18 and includes 24 hens….well, actually, it was supposed to include 24 hens but lo and behold, one of our hens, Mary, has turned out to be a rooster. Yes, his name is still Mary and he is living the good life with 23 hens right now. The flock is an assortment of designer and old fashioned chickens including Golden Cuckoo Marans, Barred Rocks, Australorps, Easter Eggers and Leghorns…to name a few. We also have 10 additional Marans and Ayam Cemani chicks that we will be breeding along with more Marans and Ayam Cemani eggs that we are incubating to join them.

Marans eggs are some of the most sought after eggs in the world. They are dark chocolate brown and were the egg of choice for James Bond himself. The Ayam Cemani chickens are also very unique as they are all black (their feathers, skin, bones, organs and meat). We are raising both Ayam Cemanis and Marans to sell.

Our girls have a good life. They are spoiled and enjoy being loved on daily. They will literally fly up to your shoulder to give you a peck on the cheek. They love treats including cabbage and bananas. But their favorite treat is fresh mealworms which we are also raising here on the farm.

We enjoy an assortment of fresh eggs every day thanks to our girls and now that they are laying, we will also share our eggs with friends and family when they come for a visit.


Our first passel of pigs will be joining us at the Farm in May of 2019. We will be raising five hogs for meat over the Summer which will provide pork for our family and friends for the coming year.

wild birds

There are so many wild bird varieties at the Farm including Cardinals, Blue Jays, Robins, Snowy Egrets and many more. We love having birds like Purple Martins that eat the “other” Arkansas bird, the mosquito. We have bird feeders to provide treats for the birds and it’s not uncommon to find us on the porch just watching the birds.