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This magnificent flower has always been one of my favorites.   The first time I planted wisteria was from a cutting from my grandmother’s yard.  Mom said to put some rooting hormone on it and stick it in the ground.  I was skeptical but, lo and behold, a glorious vine began to grow.  Having loved it my whole life but not understanding its strength, I decided to plant it so it would grow across the banister on my front porch.  A few years later, I had to replace the banister and re-train the wisteria. It was a valuable lesson. 

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Grappe Gumbo

Grappe Gumbo

My dad was the typical dad, I think, when it came to comparing how HE grew up to how WE grew up.  Most of you know what I mean……  “I had to walk to school every day and it was up hill both ways”…. “I had to pick up pecans after school to have money to buy shoes”, etc.

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Before Steve was able to move from St. Louis to Arkansas, we would talk on the phone A LOT,  dreaming about what our lives would be like when hundreds of miles didn’t separate us. One of the things that I have struggled with my entire adult life is getting mired down by the mundane activities of daily life. Get up, get ready, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV, go to bed, get up….you know the drill. 

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