A farm we call home between Romance and Joy

Price Comparison

Price Comparison

For a price Comparison, we took our smallest package (highest per pound price) and compared what the cost would be purchased at the local grocery store.

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 Approximate of 1/8 Share of Beef 40-50 lbs packaged

Ground Beef 20 lbs - Whole Foods $7.99/lb = $159.80

Topline Foods (Grass Fed, Grass Finished) - $7.99/lb = $159.80

NY Strip Steak 1.5 lbs (about 2 steaks)- Whole Foods $19.99/lb= $39.98

Topline Foods - $24.99/lb= $37.49

Top Sirloin Steak 1.5 lbs (about 2 steaks) - Whole Foods $9.99/lb - $14.99

Topline Foods - $17.99/lb = $26.99

Flat Iron Steak 1.5 lbs (1 steaks) - Whole Foods $11.99/lb = $17.99

Farm Foods (Grass Fed) $$25.58/lb = $38.37

Filet Minot 1.5 lbs (about 2 steaks) - Whole Foods $29.99/lb = $44.99

Topline Foods $37.31/lb = $55.97

Ribeye Steak 5 lbs (about 3 steaks) - Whole Foods$14.99/lb = $74.95

Topline Foods $23.98/lb = $119.92

Brisket 2 lbs = Kroger $7.99/lb = $15.99

Farm Foods (Grass Fed) $14/lb = $28

Chuck Roast 3 lbs (1 roast) - Whole Foods $6.99/lb = $20.97

Farm Foods (Grass Fed) $12/lb = $36

Rump Roast 2 lbs (1 roast) - Kroger $6.99/lb = $13.98

Farm Foods (Grass Fed) $13/lb = $26

Sirloin Tip Roast 2 lbs (1 roast) - Whole Foods $8.99/lb = $17.99

Farm Foods $15/lb = $30

Stew Meat 2 lbs - Whole Foods $6.99/lb = $13.99

Farm Foods $14.50/lb = $29

Kabob Meat 2 lbs - Whole Foods $6.99/lb = $13.98

Short Ribs 3 lbs - Kroger - $7.99/lb = $23.97

Farm Foods $17.99/lb = $53.97

Purchased individually in organic or grass-fed variety, I found the current prices online and to purchase our 1/8 package individually from Farm Foods and Topline Foods, the total price is approximately $655.49. That is a $193 savings. Purchased individually at the local Whole Foods and Kroger grocery stores, you can expect to pay approximately $473.58. This is the standard cuts found on the shelf. Organic meats cost more. You still save money on our 1/8 package. The estimated cost for our 1/8 package is $462.50.

Approximate Savings

Whole Beef ~$2900 Purchased Organically - approx. $5250 for a savings of $2300

Purchased at local gracery store - approx. $3800 for a savings of $900

1/2 Beef ~$1550 - Purchased Organically - approx. $2600 for a savings of $1050

Purchased at local grocery store - approx. $1900 for a savings of $350

1/4 Beef ~$850 - Purchased Organically - approx. $1300 for a savings or $450

Purchased at local grocery store - approx. $950 for a savings of $100

it is more economical to purchase grass fed, grass finished local beef than the same amount of beef from the grocery store.