Moment of the Day
Around The Farm, we intentionally smile. We literally look for Joy. Search it out. Then, we want to share the joy we have found with everyone. We talk about the possibility that there are people that might not want to see all the stuff we share, and we are cognizant that there is a chance we may actually get on some people’s nerves. Which we absolutely do NOT want to do. Heck, how can you be “Happiness Advocates” if you think you may be overdoing it for some people. So, we often wonder if we should hold back, not share that little silly joke, not post some pic we took of our hen named Mary, or keep that one slightly sappy post off of Facebook. Then, we remember that something we post might make someone smile. Just one person. That makes it completely worth it.
We are very intentional about our search for joy. We have this ritual we go through every night called “Moment of the Day”. We never miss it. Sometimes, one of us may even have to wake up the other for our ritual. We lay in bed and recap the whole day. We actually look back through our memories from the day and talk about all the good things that happened, the pretty things we saw, and the people that have reached out to us about being touched by something we have said, posted or done. THOSE are my favorite moments of the day: Those times when we found joy and then shared it and someone responds that we brightened their day!
When you reflect on all the great things that happened throughout the day, something magical happens. Even on days that are total and complete crap…. There is always something to be thankful for, something that made you smile, something that was that single speck of light in a dark day. And then on the good days…. whoah! I really like the good days! That is when we each have four or five things we have to choose from… which one was THE BEST? Those conversations can go on for an hour or more and there are often tears. Good tears. Those days can pull you through the dark ones.
Just this week, we had a moment that has become the overwhelming theme of the week. It has been in our conversations often and has shaped how we have approached each day with purpose. It motivated us to make it a point to try to write a blog every day and has driven us to search for joy even more.
A few days ago, we posted our very first website blog. We didn’t know if people would want to read it, or if it would make a difference to anyone that did. It was scary. Nobody likes rejection and everyone hopes that when they share their lives, people will be moved or interested. Then, shortly after posting our first post, a private message came to my facebook inbox. It was from a friend from high school that I haven’t talked to since May of 1988. We were friends in school, had several classes together throughout the years, sang in choir together and even hung out in the same group of friends. But as it happens, we moved on with our lives. He was a year older than me, so when he was starting college, I was gearing up for my big Senior year. And life happened.
Then, out of the blue, the message came through. The blog had touched someone enough that they wanted to tell me about it. He wanted to apologize for not being a better friend in school. He let me know that he had been following us and reading our posts for the past few months, and wanted to just reach out. I was blown away. Seldom do people take the time to personally let someone know you are on their mind. It always touches me when people do reach out. This doesn’t happen enough. I don’t do it enough. It was my moment of the day. Maybe my moment of the week and there have been some great moments!
So, stop for five minutes if someone crosses your heart. Drop a simple line to them and tell them you are thinking of them. Click “like” on the post that comes up in your feed. We all know the social phenomenon of “likes, comments and shares”. It’s more than a click. You know they see what you have posted. You know that for a brief moment, they were thinking about you.
Everything happens for a reason and if someone is on your heart or mind, it may just be your soul telling you that you are needed. Pick up the phone. Write the text. Creep on their page and see what’s going on in their life and give feedback where you think you can make them smile. We all have time to make someone smile.
Thanks Jon. I just wanted to make sure you knew that your message was my moment of the day.