We are excited to announce that we will be delivering every Wednesday to Saline County.
Our bundle packages are always delivered for free and all other deliveries are available with a $50 minimum purchase.
Try our Cordon Bleu Delivery Package this week for only $60. This package is designed to provide healthy, delicious meals for you and your family. Bring out the chef in you or just enjoy incredible meat for your every day meals. Each box contains about 8-10 pounds of pork, beef, chicken and turkey. You have the opportunity to customize your box and you have no weekly obligation. If you like the box, and want to receive the same amount of meat (you can always change each weeks selection) on a regular weekly basis, you can purchase our Monthly Option and the weekly price drops to about $46 per week. That is a little over $5 per pound for REAL farm-raised meat.
You no longer need to refinance your home to buy farm raised, USDA inspected, quality hand cut meat. We do our best to get the best quality meat available to your door for the cost of grocery store, commercially processed meat. You no longer have to feed your family inferior food.
All of our meat has been humanely raised in Arkansas on the best forage available. We use no chemical fertilizer, no pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides or other chemicals on any land that the animals graze. We use no means such as steroids, growth hormones, raw milk, animal byproduct or any un-natural means to artificially increase animal weight.
Enjoy our Cordon Bleu Meat Bundle this week for only $60. Free delivery.
For a more in-depth look at what you get each week:
Feel free to shop all of our great farm raised and local grown and produced products. Anything available in our store is available for weekly delivery.