Select an available time slot on the calendar to book a Farm Tour for a group of up to 12 people.
Covid notice: We are going to do our best to limit Covid exposure and ensure that the farm is a fun and safe space for everyone. We understand that there are lots of thoughts about this and we not going to get into any political or controversial statements. We are jus t asking that we respect each other and know that there are varying opinions and people with different risk levels. When inside the market, we will be wearing our masks. Our ask is that we all just respect each other and do our best to protect those around us. We are not going to be the “mask police”. We do ask that you don’t have large groups at the farm and that you stick with the group you came with. Each person and family has to make the decisions they feel are best for them. Fortunately, we have plenty of outdoor shaded space where people can safely distance and still enjoy time outside at the farm. We will even be glad to do your complete transaction from outside if you would prefer to completely distance from others and not come inside the market.