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The Meraki Charcuterie

The Meraki Charcuterie

Our dear friends, Erich and Annie, came to visit us at the Farm this weekend. It was an incredible experience, from Southern cuisine on Friday evening to breakfast with friends on Saturday, a visit to the Tea Room which has more rocks than tea (and that’s a good thing) and then finally to our Meraki Charcuterie experience on Saturday night.

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Try and Try Again

Try and Try Again

I love how Facebook sends you memories. It makes me realize I post a lot of stuff. Sometimes, I am reminded that on a Tuesday a year ago we had a delicious dinner. Sometimes, I get a glimpse of where I was a year or two ago emotionally. Sometimes, I get to see how far we’ve come and sometimes I am reminded of how little things have changed. Today, my memory was our first morning coffee on the porch here at the farm. What a year it’s been for us. The Hummers are still here as they were last year; this crooked house is still full of love and hope. But my, how things have changed. We have chickens, goats, pigs, guineas, bees, rabbits, new dogs. Our house is pretty close to being finished. We built a giant flower bed and we have a garden.

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