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Monthly Archives: April 2019



Some of you may be wondering where this Forevermost thing came from so we thought we’d share a little background. When we started dating, most of our conversations were from hundreds of miles apart as Steve was living in St. Louis and Kelly was in Little Rock. It was always hard to get off the phone because that time was so precious at the end of each day.

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Life and Death on The Farm

Life and Death on The Farm

Sometimes one of the babies don’t make it.  Sometimes a seed doesn’t come up.  Sometimes a plant dies, the honey bees leave, the eggs don’t hatch or the dog eats your new Japanese Maple tree.  It doesn’t always work out and in those times, it is sad.  It is a time of anger, sorrow, hurt and all kinds of tough feelings.  And there are tears.

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As we have been patiently watching our eggs all day today, I’ve been thinking a lot about what these baby chicks go through just to come out of their shells. We have our first two chickens pipping which is the beginning of the hatching process where the baby starts to break the eggshell with their egg tooth. We currently have 41 eggs in the incubator and this morning when Steve came in to tell me that the pipping had begun, I literally squealed

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